OverviewI've spent the majority of my work history specializing in comic illustration, concept work, and graphic design.
My style is generally influenced from bande-desinées, with flavoring from anime (late 90's/early 00's) and western animation (Renaissance Disney). I tend to exclusively stick to my personal brand of stylization, though I often diversify atmospheric approach and artistic direction to the property. My skills are best utilized toward sequential artwork (i.e. comic work, novel insert-artwork, or other narrative-based visuals), concept and character design, commercial promotional illustration, and colors. For commercial/industry work, I tend to be hired often for merch projects, specifically concept art or style guides. I have experience designing logo work, promotional graphics, and establishing brand aesthetics. Availability
I am available for personal commissions, more information here.
For commercial freelance, I am likely unavailable to take on new clients for illustration work to focus on personal projects, but I am open to inquiries. FOR A QUOTE: please inquire me to the nature of your work, complexity and expectations, scheduling, and budget.
IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN HIRING ME, PLEASE KNOW: I'm very rarely available for new clients, I am avoidant of long-term commitments and tight deadlines, and I am expensive -- but if all that doesn't deter you, then please feel free to take a chance and inquire me with what you have in mind. Please consider me for work that has a reasonable turnaround time. I only conditionally agree to fast turnaround scheduling or pinch-hitting deadlines exclusively with established relationships/previous clients -- and at extremely high pay. I can more easily become available for a work if the inquiry is at least one month ahead of the project production schedule. My priority is toward personal projects, but I am open to consider opening my schedule for appealing work prospects. |